
ZOOMA Cape Cod-Sept 28, 2013

This was the 3rd Annual ZOOMA Cape Cod held in Falmouth Mass. It is a women’s focused race, but men are always allowed to run. Some of them even make it fun and dress as women! There is a half marathon and a 10k option. There were 398 female and 7 male half marathoners and 264 female and 7 male 10k runners. The charity beneficiary was Every Mother Counts.

Day Before
I was up at 4am Friday to fly into Boston and drive the hour and half to the Cape. I stopped in at the Expo along the way which was held inside the host hotel, the Sea Crest Resort. This put me at my hotel in Chatham (an hour away) at 4p. It made for a long exhausting day, but hey, the perks of being a travel agent includes free hotels! Which unfortunately are rare these days, so you take them when you can! (The host hotel was charging $200/night!) I found myself in bed by 7p, but not before a nice bubble bath in the Jacuzzi tub and a lounge by the fireplace!
Expo/Packet Pick Up
There are many perks involved in signing up with ZOOMA…the swag bag includes a yoga mat, water bottle, and race shirt! Also, early registration gets you a ‘training’ package in the mail (included samples and coupons and motivational quotes).  At the Finish Line you receive a necklace and the After Party included all you can drink Wine and Champagne!

Packet Pick up was a breeze.... In and out with no lines. The Expo had just a few stands, but the vendors that were there had some serious discounted items. Being a broke travelling runner this month, I just grabbed my needed supplies and headed off.

Speaking of being broke (I planned 3 races/vacations back to back without realizing it).
This is how a 'Broke Travelling Runner' functions during race weekend….
  • Scores a free hotel for the weekend which came with a welcome plate of cheese, crackers, olives, nuts  and wine ( can we say free dinner!?!)
  • Stocks up on the free samples at the Expo...powerbars and Muscle Milk for breakfast!
  • Stocks up on the free samples at the Finish Line and After Party for snacks for the remainder of the stay.
  • Packs premade pb sammies, bananas, granola, oatmeal (make oatmeal with coffee maker!)
  • Packs a chicken and veggie wrap and cucumber slices for the plane ride.
  • Brings an old race water bottle for the plane ride...and stocks up on pretzels/peanuts (always ask for extras!)
  • Grabs the free fruit in the hotel gym
  • Utilizes any free gift card/coupon received in the mail recently (aka Thanks TGIFridays, Starbucks, and Chilis!)
Ok, back to the race....
The Start
The Start and Finish were at the beautiful Sea Crest Resort, so I had the hour drive again. I was up by 4am (second day in a row) and at the start by a little after 6am which gave me the best parking of right next to the hotel. (The Race stated at 730a.) On the drive over in the pitch dark, I had a wild wolf run across the road in front of me! Was pretty amazing. I had never seen one in the wild before!

We really couldn’t have asked for a better location or better weather! We woke up to a chilly 46 degrees, but as soon as that sun rose in the cloudless sky, it quickly warmed up. (in the 50s for the race and 60s afterwards).  By the time most of us had crossed the Finish Line and were celebrating on the beach at the After Party, it was warm enough for a few brave souls to lounge in bikinis and even a couple took a dip in the cold water!
The perks of starting/finishing at a hotel?....REAL bathrooms!! There were still plenty of 'Fancy' porta potties with flushers and sinks, which I utilized when the hotel line got long.  
They had a few pacers (with balloons on their backs??). But I mainly only saw the really fast ones and there were about 3 of them for 1:50...Y?? I put myself slightly behind 2:10 thinking I just cant let the 2:15 pacer beat me (if there was one, because no one with a balloon passed me and I finished at 2:19! oops...spoiler alert!)

The Plan
My original plan was to run/walk a pace that would get me to beat my PR of 2:24. However, I quickly learned my Garmin doesn't have 2 alerts (I need a run 3, walk 1) and my new Galaxy 4 phone doesn't fit in my IFitness belt. ARGH. Doing the calculation, I knew I had to maintain a 10:40 to PR. So the new goal? Just do what I could to stay under 10:40. Sounds simple right? LOL I was amazed it almost was!

PR Challenge
Why the need for a PR? Well, 1, its fun to PR. But also, I hadn't ran a really good race in a while. But ALSO, because this race gave away Necklaces at the Finish Line, not Medals! SAY WHAT?!...But wait, I knew I registered for a reason! If you proved a PR and then beat it, then you received a Zooma PR Medal!! YEA!! Must. P.R.!!
The course was pretty amazing! The gorgeous day added to the already picturesque seaside communities! There were lots of water views during the first half. We also ran along the peaceful Shining Sea bike path for a good portion. My Ipod had died by M5 (I really need to learn to charge that thing!), but it was nice to listen to the such calmness of the woods. At one point we ran by galloping horses. It really was jaw dropping to unexpectedly see them running along with us!

The second half was through some charming cottage neighborhoods. But it also had some busy (and open to traffic), unruly sidewalks (which most of us skipped and went for the open road). There were also a lot of hills on the back half of this race. Not too steep, but definitely constant. It made it a good challenge though, especially the last one right at the finish being the biggest and longest!
Water Stations/Volunteers
The water stations were all properly manned and stocked. Cytomax was the fuel. Gu was passed out on the course. The volunteers were friendly. There were few spectators/cheerleaders on the sidelines along the course, but for me, I honestly didn't seem to miss them on this course.
Finish Line/After Party
Location....location...location! This race stepped it up in partnering with Sea Crest Resort! Located on Old Silver Beach, it is one of the prettiest!....white sands, aqua water! After crossing the Finish Line (which the announcer did excellent on calling out the names), we received our necklaces, a water and banana, and were sent over to the Beach! Steel drums drew you in and relaxed our tired bodies! All the vendors that were at the Expo were there again in case you forgot anything at the Expo. The PR medal tent was set up with photo opportunity.

Tables and chairs were set up on the sand, as well as loungers for anyone to use. The pool was open for those staying at the hotel. I soaked my tired legs in the ice cold water of the Bay. A few people braved it for a full swim!

Barefoot Wine and Champagne endlessly flowed until about 12p. There were foam rollers and yoga matts set out to stretch or you could wait for a free massage! They held a yoga session as well, but I never saw it.

The food option was a chicken or hummus wrap, pasta, and fruit. Muscle Milk and Honest Tea were available as well.

After a good hour or so resting and chatting with some fellow runners, I almost was dreading the drive back. Never have I ever stayed til the end of a race After Party! Good Job Zooma!

This years race focused on giving away necklaces at the finish line instead of medals. I don’t know why. Maybe because its girly and this is a womens race? Maybe because they are trying to stand out and be different. I don’t know. But I want a medal when I go the distance! And not having a medal will keep me from registering for a race. I mean, I am trying to check off all 50 states. I need a medal to represent each one! Luckily this race offered a Personal Best Challenge. Register with your current PR (provide a race name, location, year, and your time) and you had to beat that time at this race and you received a medal! Challenge Accepted!
It’s funny because I went into this week reading an article about an older runner disappointed in the younger generation of runners attitudes on races. He was basically disqualifying the theory of running a half marathon 'just to finish.' He was saying there is no longer any competition. It really hit home because I do find myself in that moment of ‘hitting the wall’ telling myself, 'oh its ok, lets just make this fun. Lets just finish.'
This race there was no way I was NOT going to get a medal! I had to do a lot of cursing at myself. I had to keep reminding myself that ‘this was a RACE’. This was not a walk in the park. If im not feeling exhausted, im not working hard enough! And it was funny because as I amazed myself in the first 3 miles (completing my fastest 3miles under 30 min!) and as the miles kept flying by, I thought to myself, 'wow, races really do go by fast when you run fast!' LOL
Overall Thoughts
I finished with a 5 min PR and got my medal for MA, State #13!! I honestly believe the extra 'challenge' did it for me. This race is definitely one I would highly suggest! There is not a single thing that went 'wrong.' Sure there are always things that could be 'better,' but that is only my opinion, and you know everyone has one. It was a seamless race weekend and FUN and BEAUTIFUL!
I get asked all the time what my favorite race has been so far on this journey of completing all 50 states. I haven't really had one were I can say absolutely this one (besides 26.2 with Donna of course!) until now! Kudos Zooma Cape Cod!!

Half Marathon #30
State #13

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