Nov 4- trimalleolar fracture (3 broken bones in ankle)- temporary castNov 6- fly home
Nov 7- see Dr C orthopedic surgeon -redid temporary cast
Nov 9- surgery- 1plate with 8pins on fibula, 2 screws into tibia -new temporary cast
Nov 14-stopped taking pain meds
Nov 19- post op followup-new walking boot-but no walking, can take off to bathe only, still elevate and rest
Dec 17-xrays/bones healed, new stirrup brace and can walk/move as much as i can until pain, physical therapy can start, long distance walking in boot, short walking in brace
Dec 19-first PT
Dec 21-meet with Brooks to test race wheelchairs for The DONNA
Dec 22- 2nd PT
Dec 23- 2.4 miles in sports wheelchair/cross training
Dec 25- 4 miles in sports wheelchair/cross training
Dec 26-3rd PT
Dec 27-4th PT-walking with one crutch
Dec 28-5th PT
Dec 29-11.5 miles hand cycle
Dec 31-6th PT
I knew going into the doctors appointment that my ankle felt good. I had high hopes that he would say that I could start to put pressure on it and I could finally start training with the racing wheelchair. But I did not expect him to say, 'ok, you can walk now outside of the big boot!'
'What?! Are you sure?!' was my first reaction.
I was given a much smaller brace that I can wear with sneakers (if sneakers fit....I'm still swollen) and I was told I can start trying to walk as much as I could without pain. I was told the bigger boot/Big Bertha was good for walking long distances and the small brace?Lil Bertha is good for short distances. I tried to take a couple steps with the crutches in the big boot and it seemed a little too easy. I didn't feel anything. But that big boot is so big, your entire leg moves up and down so much, you can technically walk or take a step without putting all your weight on it.
I asked about the burning sensation that I am still having on the inside of my ankle where the 2 screws are and he said it is normal because it is still swollen, so its pressing on it, thus I need to still elevate when I can.
I asked about starting the wheelchair training and he said yes! But warned me it was very hard. I just laughed as he doesn't really understand me. And does he realize marathon training is hard too? LOL I'm up for the challenge or as much as I can.
Cindy and I went out to dinner and some Christmas lights after the appointment and I didn't really do anything different until I got home. But by that time I was a little sore and swollen, so all I did was put on the small brace to get used to the feel. I also set my foot on the ground without a shoe and it was a wonderfully weird sensation. Just that small movement seemed like such an improvement! I no longer have to treat my leg/ankle as a baby! (although I am still a little scared to try to truly walk). I slept with the small brace on and again I am still kicking in my sleep and it hurt the 2nd time on top of my foot and the pain never left the entire night. Disappointingly I tossed and turned all night. If I sleep on my back, I kick my leg. If I sleep on my sides, they get really sore. I can't wait to make it back to my belly! Baby Steps.
Two 15LB dumbbells-
3 sets of 10-bicep curls, flys, underhand rows, laying fly, Russian twists, overhead lat pulls
3 sets of 15-lat rows, sit ups
3 sets of 20-overhead press, bench press, weighted crunch
1 15LB dumbbell-3 sets of 10-skull crushers
Calcium supplement
Coconut oil and Wintergreen massage on ankle
Golden Milk
It still feels like every other day I am so exhausted. I did not sleep well at all, but even trying to rest or take a nap didn't work either.
I switched between the Big Bertha boot and the Lil Bertha brace throughout the day. None of my sneakers fit with the brace so I just practiced placing my foot flat on the ground. It feels so good to have the heavy boot off. But walking with the boot and crutches is so much better than having to hop with crutches!
I called back to JOI because the date they had me scheduled for my first PT was 10 days away and I felt that was entirely too far because and I really don't know what exercises I can do and I don't know how much I'm supposed to be pushing myself. Plus, scar tissue can start to build up. I know we are dealing with holiday, but still! And I'm glad I called. The lady I spoke with said the girl that scheduled me did not have me down as post op, which I guess that makes a huge difference and she agreed 10 days was too far. So I go tomorrow! And my second appointment is Saturday! I'm supposed to go 3x a week for 4 weeks.
I called Brooks about the wheelchair, but only received voicemail and no call back. I hope I hear something tomorrow so I can get started!
Well the PT guy told me today why I haven't been able to sleep soundly and keep tossing and turning. My foot is so stiff from being in the boot/cast that the range of motion is very limited. Now that I am in the brace, the foot wants to relax and go to the normal position, so when I am sleeping and my mind is not thinking about it, it moves there, but that is also where the pain pressure point is, so I wake up because its pain that is waking me to move. Sucks. I just want a solid day of solid sleep.
I am so blessed that I had two friends help me out and drive me to/from PT which this first time was all the way across town again because it was the only opening at all locations due to the holiday. The PT guy took measurements of my range of motion of my foot, did some heat massage, we did some stretches that I am to do at home too, then iced me up in the best ice brace I've ever seen/felt. Ordering one now! He showed me how to walk better in the Big Bertha boot and it is just so awkward. Your body literally forgets how to walk, when to bend the leg, when to straighten the leg and all at the same time you are trying to not put pain into your step. A lot of weight is still in the crutches. Now every step is so ridiculously slow, that I end up just raising it back up to hop.
After the session, me and Toni went to lunch and then ran some errands. I needed to get a shoe that would fit over this little brace. Unfortunately after trying to get 50 shoes over my swollen foot, I went home with Crocs... and I had to get 2 sizes bigger than normal! He said my foot looked really good for my time period, but I'm still swollen. Ive really got to work on getting the swelling down. And now starting back to work tomorrow, I have to be cognizant of keeping it elevated and moving even at the desk.
WORKOUT-REST/PT/walking on crutches for errands
HEALING-Calcium Supplement, Coconut Oil and Wintergreen massage around foot
50 days off from work and its time to return. I have been so fortunate to have my work pay for my time to off to heal. I also am blessed that I work from home. It could be so much harder. But as I say that, as I always say that, it doesn't make me feel better. My struggles are hard too for me and they should not be compared. My feelings are worthy of being felt as well. I just want people to understand. Toni came over and brought me food and for the umpteenth time I asked her (and everyone else) to drive my car. It hadnt been moved in a month and half. And guess what....battery dead. Its just so frustrating. If someone asks for help, just help them. Why is it so difficult? No, wait, why is it so EASY for people NOT to help?
Thankfully its a slow transition back into work so I was able to tend to my ankle....keep it moving, heat it, stretch it, ice it. I wore the Big Bertha boot to walk in(or try) around the house and then the Little Bertha brace while i worked so I could elevate it and stretch it. By the end of the day, I felt like I had seen some progress in the swelling and my toes were actually individual again! Having 1600 emails to weed through, it was a fast day. Before I knew it, it was bed time, and I had not gotten in a work out. I had a lack of appetite today, probably because I was focusing on the pain of walking and stretching. But I also feel like the weight is coming back on. Tomorrow I get to pick up the racing wheelchair, so I am excited to hopefully burn some calories with it.
WORKOUT-REST/stretch foot
HEALING-Calcium Supplement, Golden Milk, Coconut oil and Wintergreen foot massage, heating pad on foot, ice paks on ankle
The day that Brooks Adaptive Sports and Recreation told me they were going to loan me a wheelchair to race in for the Donna Marathon, I didnt believe them. I had to wait a whole week and half before the next doctors visit to clear me to start training before I could actually find out!
Today was the day. The free bus picked me up and drove me to their location to test out the different varieties. Everyone was super friendly, including the driver who also has a personal connection to Brooks! Everything with the program is free. They host events and activities for those with limited mobility to help them live their normal active lifestyle! They provide any type of equipment needed for the gatherings! All of this is funded through donations, sponsorship, and volunteers! How amazing! And how come Ive never heard of this! Anyone with limited mobility can participate and even bring their friends and family! Its so exciting!
I tested a couple chairs and was overwhelmed on how I was going to be able to handle one of these alone at home to train. We decided that I will use the hand crank chair for marathon day, but take home the race chair to cross train. I will meet with Brooks athletes to use the hand crank weekly, and I can also go to my gym Baileys that has the same machine! Im so excited to get started! But they dont meet again for a whole other week! I will have to get the regular chair out on my own and Im a bit nervous but need to suck it up!
My 2nd day back to work was little uncomfortable, and Im still not even fully doing my job yet. I am hoping with the weekend, that I will be find next week. I have to keep elevating, heating, stretching, icing, and of course trying to walk....all while trying to do work!
15lb dumbells
bicep curls-single arm-5 sets of 10
overhead press-double arms-4 sets of 10
lat rows-double-4 sets of 10
bench press-double-20/10/10/20
skull crushers-1weight-3 sets of 10
lat pulls-30lb-3 sets of 15
weighted crunches-4 sets of 15
weights russian twists-3 sets of 15
heat, ice, cocoa butter, calcium supplement, compression sleeve on ankle/foot, ice/heat packs on foot
I had my 2nd physical therapy treatment today. I went to the Beaches location which will be the closest to me. I felt like the guy I had was new or not experienced because he had to ask the other therapist what to do with me. I dont know if its because Im still so new in this learn how to walk again process or what, but it made me feel uncomfortable. I need to make sure I have the best experienced people working with me. We are on a mission here people! I told them what Dr C said "walk/do anything until you feel pain." Pain. What does that mean? Im still scared of rehurting myself that is my pain enough pain? Do I need to be pushing more? I feel like its almost a week since he said to can try walking as much as I can, yet I am still not even putting 50% of the weight down when using the Big Bertha boot and crutches, and if I use just the Lil Bertha brace, then I can only stand still. That is one of the things the therapist had me do....stand with no boot/brace and just shift my weight back and forth between feet. I used the assistance of the table, and probably had about three quarters of the weight in my right foot until I felt 'pain.' But was it really pain? Is tightness pain? I feel like my heel or the top of my foot is going to rip through the skin when I bend it so far.
I am seeing progress myself though, so I guess I can only take it 'one step at a time.' LOL
I took the pup for a walk with the knee scooter to see the ocean and had plans to pull out the racing wheelchair, but then I got a call from a friend to pick me up and go watch the full moon rise, dinner, and Christmas lights! And I am so glad she did! It was such a gorgeous moon rise, straight out of the water, and it was nice to have company with it. We sat at the bonfire for a bit and then had a delish dinner and I even splurged on ice cream next door! It was so nice to get out of the house with a friend!
Looking back this week, there hasn't been a lot of working out. I have been extremely tired with all the tossing and turning all night long. Tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful day, so I am going to try to pull out the wheelchair and see how far I can go! (I even had gloves delivered!)
HEALING-Golden Milk, Calcium supplement, compression ankle sleeve, ice and heat pack foot
Well, today I finally got to take the racer wheelchair out on my own for my first training 'run.' I was able to put it together and get into it by myself. Ive been nervous to be on the road with cars. I am lucky that the beach has a bike lane. I got to the end of my alley and decided I would go around the block on the sidewalk first and try to get used to this steering and braking. What a mistake. Sidewalks really are not the handicap's friend. I went over the first incline and felt like I did a wheelie and I was about to flip over backwards and bust my head open. I made it only a few pushes further and came across another incline and just froze. I had no where to go. Either direction was an incline, the sidewalk was too narrow for me to turn around, and I didnt have my crutches to get out of the chair. The chair has a foot strap and a waist strap and those just made me feel more trapped than anything. If the chair was to start flipping, there was no way I could just hop out. I couldnt do this. I didnt want to do this. Why is this so scary? How do people live like this? Theres got to be more instructions on how to operate this thing!
I text my neighbor to come rescue me. She gave me a hug and told me how proud she was of me and then walked with me off the sidewalk and into the road to practice and watched the wheels to reassure me that the front wheels were not coming off to do a wheelie. I then took off on my own, setting out to see how a mile feels. I got 4 blocks down and realized there was cobblestone in the road. Well, Im not getting back on the sidewalk thats for sure. And now I dont know about cobblestone. Basically if both wheels are not on even ground, then one wheel just spins in the air, and the other doesnt go anywhere. I keep imagining that is what will happen with the cobblestone. That, or Ill do another wheelie. I decided I would just turn around and do laps on the smooth part of the road until someone can be with me again. (theres cobblestone in the other direction as well)
I completed 2.4 miles worth of laps. Its hard. But I was also told this is the hardest chair. I think I may have been more mentally drained than anything. If you dont push the wheels at the exact same time/pressure, it turns the chair. This led me frequent panic attacks that I was about to run straight into the curb. The bike lane is also slanted, so one wheel I have to push more/harder to keep the chair going straight. The pushing uses complete shoulder muscle, so my right shoulder got tired quick. So, I ended up doing what you are not supposed, and on each return, faced traffic so I could work out my other shoulder. Ive got to figure out how to get over or around this cobblestone so I can have more road to work with.
After some rest, I went out to the beach to watch the 2nd day full moon (well practically full. I always say the 2nd day is prettier). I put on the Big Bertha boot and used the crutches and said I would try to go up my own streets beach ramp. I havent been able to do so because its just an extreme angle, so Ive been going the next block over which is just flat. Now that I can put pressure on my foot, I thought Id give it a whirl. And it worked! I was able to get up the ramp! Man, it felt so good to be able to do so! Finally able to enjoy my blocks beach entrance! I sat on the steps and watched the moon rise with a very friendly couple.
WORKOUT-2.4 miles in racer chair
HEALING-Calcium Supplement, Cocoa Butter on scars, Coconut oil and Wintergreen massage on foot/leg/neck, Frankincense aroma therapy and facial, ankle compression, ice pack and heat pack on ankle
Well, I guess I am officially full blown back to reality. Today I work and actually have to 'work.' LOL. I still have to elevate my leg at my desk which is a little cumbersome for 8 hours, but it seems every day I wake up the foot is getting better. The compression has really helped bring back shape. Walking in the Big Bertha boot seems to help keep the swelling down as well, so I make sure to walk before and after work and then elevate in the Lil Bertha brace during work and then heat/stretch it in the morning as well as night.
Amazingly I did not wake up sore from using the wheelchair, but did get a little soreness later in the day. Im going to have to figure out how to squeeze in a full work shift as well as using the wheelchair. It takes so much effort to get it pulled out and put together. I plan to try again tomorrow, but it may be quicker to go to the gym and use the hand crank, but then I have to pay to get to the gym. Its always something.
Christmas is a little hard this year, as mom has been put in a nursing home back home in VA as her dementia has progressed greatly. I learned Im really not supposed to fly for a few months, so it makes it hard knowing she is there and I cant check on her right now. Dad is not feeling well with his back pain and I asked to come over but he did not want company or me to take off work and pay to come over. So I made the best of what I could and took another GoTukn Christmas Lights ride. And Im so glad I did because the moon was still very big and somewhat full, just perfect timing with the lights.
HEALING-Calcium Supplement, Cocoa Butter on scars, Eucalyptus/Spearmint/Lavendar Epsom salt bath, Coconut Oil and Wintergreen foot, leg, neck, wrists massage
My pup woke me up extra early today...she must have thought she heard Santa....but it was actually the kids next door! lol. We were up before sunrise and I really wanted to get out there to the beach, but knew by the time I inched my way on my butt down the stairs and hobbled down the street, Id probably miss it. So we sat on the couch and watched the sky change colors and bring in the new day. It was still pretty fabulous. One day I will wake up and just be able to walk straight out of bed!
I got out on the wheelchair to get some cross training in and it was absolutely gorgeous out! I was even in a tank top in the sunshine! I managed to push myself to 4 miles! Almost double as the first time. Everyone was out running, biking, walking, playing with the kids new toys, I even saw my Tuk Tuk guy! It was nice hearing everyone say Merry Christmas! The neighbor even went with me to the bricks in the road to make sure I could get over them without the chair flipping or getting stuck! And i made it!! No problem! So this means I can extend my route further than a 3 block radius! I am so excited to try again, but know I need some recovery too. I was already sore!
As the day went on, my neck was absolutely killing me. I had to lube up with Wintergreen, and later even some Biofreeze and before bed a heating pad! I even had to take some Tylenol (which I hardly ever do). Im kind of glad its not my shoulders that are killing me, its more my neck. I am thinking my form is just off and I need to keep my head down to keep my neck more aligned because my body is leaning forward in the push. Eyes up, head down. Hopefully that works next time and I can go even further!
Besides that it was another Christmas Day that I worked. But thats okay, Im at least at home and the neighbor brought me an amazing plate of food and dessert! I even got Christmas cards as I forgot to check the mail yesterday.
WORKOUT-4miles in wheelchair
HEALING-Calcium Supplement, Golden Milk, Frankincense, Cocoa Butter, compression, heating pad
This weeks physical therapy was scheduled tight because of the holiday and me meeting with Brooks on Saturday. So I have three back to back appointments Wed, Thurs, Friday. I get a call this morning saying they need to cancel my appointment because the therapist called in. Um. No. Sorry. Theres no other place you can schedule me, so you are going to have to make it work. I will not take 4 days off when I already feel like I am behind in my walking. I have a race to run! LOL
The therapist I ended up working with today was great. I got to ride a lounging stationary bike which was amazing! I could definitely feel the weakness in my right leg. Even this morning looking at it, my thigh has gotten much smaller. We did some normal stretches, but then she had me pick up marbles with my toes and move them. Now that was fun! I made it a competition to try to get them all in before the time was up. She kept trying to tell me it wasnt a race. But I needed it to be. I suddenly realized, I may not have been missing running so much yet, but I obviously have been missing competition. Makes me want to go buy my own marbles! LOL.
Towards the end of our session I asked when she thought I would start walking without the crutches. She started rambling about how many weeks it takes for the bone to heal and then the tendons. I was completely confused because I was past both those dates. She says "but your surgery was Dec 9." WHAT?!?! They had my chart marked as Dec 9 surgery not NOV 9! She said they just thought I was some hardcore athlete that wanted to come to physical therapy 2 weeks after surgery. It really does make me kind of livid. And my friend makes a point, they should be able to tell by looking at my scars that Im not 2 weeks out. Its really frustrating and doesnt help with the trust. Are these people good enough to get me back into tip top shape? Not even to run/race again, but to walk normally? Im realizing I need to do more on my own, continue to ask questions, and push THEM to get me moving again! Because obviously I am just another chart to them. An incorrect chart.
WORKOUT-PT (bike, stretches/massage, towel scrunches, marble pick ups, weight changes in boot, leg raises)
HEALING-Calcium Supplement, ice, compression, cocoa butter scar massage, coconut oil and wintergreen wrist massage, frankincense foot and calf massage
Today was the longest day I have been able to work and boy was I mentally and physically exhausted. Im so thankful that Vicki and Bernie were in town and going to take me to physical therapy. I was almost regretting that it being at the end of the day. We arrive and they wanted to stay with me through treatment. Vicki made it a blast, hootin and hollerin and cheering me on (there werent many patients) and Bernie found the football game. LOL. The movements of the foot were feeling great. The very last thing he had me do was walk with one crutch! Apparently Ive been thinking it was the crutch on the bad foot side that I would keep, but its actually the other, which made a HECK OF A LOT of a difference! I was walking and I was walking good! :)
Yea! We celebrated with dinner!
I even am now able to fall asleep on my stomach! FINALLY! I keep the toes a little off the bed to help relieve the pressure. But my leg still kicks in my sleep when it is straight, so then I have to roll over. But baby steps! We are getting there!
WORKOUT-PT (bike, stretches, towel scrunches, marble pick ups, balance board/sitting, walking with one cruch)
HEALING-Calcium Supplement, Golden Milk, Cocoa Butter massage on feet/scars, Frankincense on leg/foot, ice pack
Yesterday PT put me down to 1 crutch and I thought that was it, no going back. I woke up and my foot was tight and when I tried to take a step with the one crutch, it didnt feel as good as yesterday. I know its probably because its first thing in the morning and it needs to be stretched out. I mean, during the PT sessions they stretch me and massage me and then the foot feels great to walk. So i spent some time doing that and tried again, but with every step I was too afraid there was going to be pain. Where did my confidence go? Why am I so scared? Yesterday I took off with Vicki and Bernie and was walking perfect! But now every step was different. There would be one step with no feeling at all. Next step a little twinge, Next step a different spot felt weird. Nothing was ever sharp pain, but for some reason I kept thinking that one twinge will then make the next step a sharp pain and my bone will just break again. I know its insane. My bone is not going to just snap by trying to walk. My plate and pins are not just going to pop out of my skin. But these are the thoughts that run through my head. Man, I REALLY DO have trust issues! I cant even trust this titanium!
So by the time I got my foot warmed up and I hobbled around the house (the very small house) with one crutch and the other hand holding on to any piece of furniture or wall possible, it was then time for me to sit and work. And then PT was right after work. I did not get enough practice and there was no way I was venturing outside alone, taking an Uber and to the PT office with just one crutch, so I walked in disappointed, but confident, with 2 crutches.
The PT guy stretched the crap out of my foot, probably the most pain Ive had yet and he admitted that I will need to take Saturday off and rest my foot basically because I had 3 PT sessions in a row which they dont really allow, and then he did an even more deeper stretch today. He then had me walk with one crutch with him to get my confidence back up. Its so crazy to learn to walk again. You literally just stare down at your injured foot nonstop and make sure it is doing what it is supposed to do. So, he had me practice walking with my head up and straight ahead was a long mirror I was to look at myself and walk. This was the first time yet that I have looked at myself in a full length mirror with this injury and see that 'this is me.' Its a whole other feeling. Its like Im looking at myself and thinking 'who is that?' I dont even recognize myself. But then I see of a glimpse of me. I am in there. Yes you are a scared and weak girl right now, but look at you. You have upgraded from two crutches to one crutch! You ARE strong. You ARE doing it! The next thing you know, you will be running again!
WORKOUT-PT-deep stretch, marble pick up with toes, walking with one crutch
HEALING-Calcium supplement, cocoa butter scar massage, ice pack
Soooo....the neighbor took me out last night and we over indulged despite my famous last words of 'I cant stay out late.' It was a rough morning getting myself together to be picked up by Brooks Adaptive Sports and Recreation to go ride the hand cycle for the first time! But I did it!
Today we rode in a gated business complex, mostly parking lots to make a circle track. It was wet outside and I learned the very low trike's front wheel shoots everything at you, so I had a nice mud bath! The bike has different gears you can change to, just like a mountain bike, but I ended up just staying in the one the entire time just to get a feel for it. It was the hardest one, but the course was mainly flat with one very slight incline, but enough to feel the difference. The trike is so low I can not go over too crazy of bumps like speed bumps. There were a good amount of turns that I got to practice on, because The Donna marathon course will have a lot of turns as well. Each lap was about a mile and half. I took a short break between each lap, but ended up doing about 11.5 miles! I almost didnt even do the double digits, but another girl pushed me to do a last lap.
Later on the bus ride home, my friend Marcia sent me pictures of her running the half marathon that I had to cancel (they let me transfer to her). I had forgotten all about it! Now I wish I had pushed myself to 13 miles! This was the first race I have had to miss and it stung. BUT I was doing my new kind of race! If I made it to 11 miles my first go round WITH a hangover, then I guess I will be doing the full marathon on race day! 42 days til race day, so I better get crunching! Thursday is our next meet up and they plan to go 18 miles on the Rail Trail. I hope I can keep up!
WORKOUT-11.5miles on hand cycle
HEALING-Coconut oil and Wintergreen massage on foot, ice pack
I practiced with the one crutch today around the house and felt a lot more comfortable. I didnt venture outside like I had planned because it was terribly foggy all day creating a wet ground. And moisture and crutches do not mix. I definitely felt more confident this time around and wasnt grabbing for walls and furniture. I do wonder if its going to be enough to get me to walk into the physical therapy office with one crutch tomorrow like that asked. If this fog keeps up, I am definitely going to have to use two outside.
HEALING-Calcium, Vitamin D, Cocoa Butter massage on scars, Coconut Oil and Wintergreen massage on foot/ankle, ice pack, lavender epsom salt bath
So I woke up and it was still foggy so I practiced the 1 crutch for the hour I got ready before PT and then showed up with two crutches so I wouldnt slip. PT went by quick and easy. The movements are getting faster and with more flexibility and my swelling is almost gone.
It was a long day of PT, work, then NYE party. It was nice to get out and socialize with people. I walked around a lot with just the Big Bertha boot and 1 crutch before the party and then went down to 2 crutches and eventually the Lil Bertha brace. My foot started swelling with the drinking so I ended up planted on the couch with it elevated with ice. I had my first call out on how I got my scar. (He knew I hurt my ankle, but didnt realize the severity of surgery and the scar.) I was taken aback a little as I feel the scars are healing quite nicely and even spots on them are barely visible. I had some very kind words from people about how Ive been handling this whole process, which shocked me because some days I feel like I could be the meanest person in the world just gripping and complaining and hating everyone and everything. But I do still want to be motivating and encouraging to others that may go through the same thing.
New Years came and I guess my resolution is to just have the strength, courage, and determination to get through the physical therapy and back to running again. Happy New Ankle Year!
WORKOUT-PT (stationary lounge bike-2.2 miles, balance board, pick up marbles with toes, calf and toe raises, towel sweeps, stretches and massage)
2-15lb dumbells
bicep curls-5 sets of 10, single arm-1 set of 10
overhead press-5 sets of 10
lat rows-3 sets of 10
seated flys-3sets of 10
underhand rows-3sets of 10
bench press-4sets of 20
overhead lat pulls-4sets of 10
weighted crunches-15lb-3sets of 20
skull crushers-15lbs-3sets of 10
bicycle crunches-2sets of 30
double leg extensions-2sets of 15
HEALING-Calcium supplement, Vitamin D, B12
I guess I overindulged a little at the NYE party because my foot was swollen the entire day. I walked around what I could in the house with the Big Bertha boot and 1 crutch, but then I worked a couple hours, and then planted myself on the couch in the Lil Bertha brace or nothing at all and napped.
It was an absolute beautiful beach day and all I wanted to do was go on the beach and sunbathe. But I still cant walk on sand and there is no way crutches will do. If I had someone, I would have had them push me in the lifeguard beach wheelchair that has monster wheels to get you in the sand. But I dont, so i moped and just stayed on the couch. I had planned to push the sports wheelchair a few miles, but my neck has really been bothering me, so I just rested. I walked around with the 2 crutches for a while with just the Lil Bertha brace and started putting some weight on the foot and get it going through the movements of walking outside the Big Bertha brace, but just barely touching the ground. When I stand, I can put a little more than 50/50 weight on both. It was feeling really good and Im starting to wonder when I will be walking in the Lil Bertha brace, as the doctors appointment is in 2 weeks.
HEALING-Calcium Supplement, Vitamin D, MegaCal, cocoa butter on scars, coconut oil and Wintergreen massage on foot/leg
There are several ways to help Pink Feet- Go Fund Me-for medical expenses
Crowdrise-Donations to The DONNA, my overall goal is to reach $100,000 for breast cancer.
Give the Gift of Lyft! Not driving for months quickly adds up!-on the Lyft or Uber app, select a gift card and use email
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